November 14, 2014
Early onset Alzheimer’s is a diagnosis that can shake the foundation of one’s family, and their personal life. The “Champions of Industry” series will take a look into the preventative methods that can be taken to slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. There are apps available for tablets and smartphones that assist with brain memory to help retain cognition. Daily brain exercises track brain progress and can help improve brain function with visuomotor coordination and attention. Stay tuned for more on this innovative breakthrough.
October 28, 2014
The “Champions of Industry” series with host, Jimmy Johnson, is excited to debut an educational segment this week on the benefits of purchasing Home Medical Equipment Devices. The segment will be debuted on Public Television and will feature interviews that will enlighten the audience on the equipment only available online giving patients a comfortable home experience, whether it is for acute or chronic care. For more information, please visit us online at
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